Hi, I am Hitul Thobhani

Thank you for being here.

I struggled and battled for 20 years and don't want you to.

I was wracked with fear, doubt, crippling limiting beliefs, insecurity, self-doubt, constant self criticism, low expectations and inner turmoil.

I have conquered those demons by fighting like a warrior. I feel blessed and humbled to come from a place of love not fear, to live from peace rather than constant inner chatter and to have

Tranquillity has flourished where before there was inner turmoil. Clarity has kicked chaos out of my brain.

Looking back, I can say I am a Transformation Warrior.

In the programme I have created, I guide you through the best of what I used to transforrm myself. I struggled and fumbled my way through... alone...with no role model and only my doubting mind for company.

Your Me2.0 is waiting for you bro.

You deserve to be him. He deserves to come out and to ROCK! Your partner and kids deserve him...not the version of you that is a shadow of him.


"So what's the crack?" you ask...

With Transformation Warrior, I walk you through the key techniques and shifts to help you:

  • live in line with your values, vision and passion
  • be free of guilt and regret
  • live in the present moment
  • develop inner calm and a quieter mind
  • be focussed and super crystal clear

You will join a group of guys on the same journey. Everyone is unique, but it's all boys (men...but we will say boys!) together working on changing their lives.

Women talk. We don't...and we pay for it.

They let it out. We don't. We suffer in silence. It's madness. Women share their innermost stuff with their best friends. We talk about football, drink beer and go through shit, while we mask it by being laddish.

Let's get real. We get one shot at this life.

Are you in?

MINDSET From Negative and Pessimistic to Grateful and Optimistic

You can't build a house on quicksand. So the first, absolutely essential foundation of becoming your Me2.0 is nurturing and flipping your mindset to one of gratitude, 'glass half full' and optimism.

THINKING From looping and being on a mental hamster wheel to clarity, steadiness and focus

You will learn to separate and untie issues. Our minds have the habbit of jumping from one thought to another and we end up looping, dizzy and stressed from chasing your tail? I used to. We will work on that.

HABBITS & LIFESTYLE Your Me2.0 intentionally lives in a way that serve him.

You have the life you do mainly because of what you do regularly. You will reflect on what you do now and ring the changes to nurture your Me2.0. All with encouragement and support to evolve.

Your Programme

Start your transformation now

The curriculum block is dynamic. As you add curriculum to your course, you'll see it automatically populate here.


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What to expect

I guide you through your journey from where you are now to creating and stepping into your Me2.0.

The programme is online, so you can review, rewind and revisit where and when you wish.

  1. Design your Me2.0 using Transformation Xray (TX). TX is the first step: you get totally clear on what you need and want to work on. Clarity is king. The biggest obstacle to success is not knowing exactly what you want - so we get rid of that first up.
  2. Motivation. "Why change? It's hard and uncomfortable." I say it is more painful and uncomfortable to stay in a rut as you are. We get clear on your motivation to help you push through the changes. You'll get clear on your why; YOUR 'WHY' IS YOUR MOTIVATION TO keep going and to push through!
  3. Weekly lessons on a different habit, skill, technique, or way of thinking that we will study and you take away, reflect on and apply.
  4. Support and encouragement from your Transformation Warrior clan. I did it the hard way, but I don't want you to. We will be here to celebrate your wins and high-five you on your wins, changes and growth. We will be here to give you a boost when doubt raises its head, when you have setbacks. When you have bad days your clan will be here with support and a nudge of inspiration.

"Don't lose any more precious time as it's not guaranteed. Don't suffer another moment in silence because life is too precious. Don't let regret, resentment, bitterness or anger steal your beautiful present or precious tomorrows."